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Excelsior Yoyogi-Koenmae, a luxury rental residence located in a sophisticated and tranquil neighborhood.


Property News

Address: 5-43-6 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Land area: 331.05

Building area: 699.93

Property Price: 1,244,200,000 yen

Use: Residence (Apartment)

For more information, please visit GLOCALY Member Service.

Excelsior Yoyogi-Koen Mae is a four-story RC luxury designer residence located in a low-risk area.

Due to high rental demand, this property is in a good location where long-term returns can be expected.

It is also a pet-friendly condominium with a dog run on the rooftop.

With Yoyogi Park nearby, Yoyogi 5-chome is a town where you can feel the greenery even though you are in the heart of the city.

This area, one of the most exclusive residential areas in Tokyo, is also known for its very high level of safety.

There is also a shopping district within walking distance, and supermarkets, convenience stores, and restaurants line the streets, so you can enjoy the area as a “place to live” as well.


 7 minutes by walking from Odakyu Electric Railway “Yoyogihachiman” station, 8 minutes by walking from”Sangubashi” station 

8 minutes by walking from Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line “Yoyogi-Koen” station

Conveniently located within 10 minutes of 3 stations.