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Ent Terrace Asakusa – A Place to Stay Like You Live
Owned Hotel News
2022年10月にオープンしたENT TERRACE ASAKUSA(エントテラス浅草)は、広々とした空間と快適さを兼ね備えた宿泊施設です。浅草周辺で非日常を楽しみながら、まるで暮らすように滞在できるホテルです。観光客からビジネス利用まで、あらゆるニーズに対応しています。ENT TERRACE ASAKUSA opened October 2022. This facility is spacious and comfortable. Located in the Asakusa area, it offers a unique stay where guests can experience an extraordinary atmosphere while feeling as if they are living there. Catering to a wide range of needs, from tourists to business travelers, the hotel provides a versatile and enjoyable stay.
暮らすように楽しめるプライベート空間 Private Spaces for a Home-Like Stay
ENT TERRACE ASAKUSA(エントテラス浅草)の客室は、1フロア1室のプライベート空間で滞在に華を添えた贅沢な時間をお過ごしいただけます。50㎡を超える広々とした空間に1泊から中長期滞在まで、観光の目的からビジネスの目的まで、さまざまなニーズに対応をしています。全室にダイニングキッチンとワークスペースを完備しており、自炊やリモートワークも可能です。At ENT TERRACE ASAKUSA, each guestroom occupies an entire floor, providing a private and luxurious space for an exceptional stay. With a over-50㎡ space, the accommodation caters to various needs, from short stays to mid- to long-term visits, whether for tourism or business. All guestrooms are equipped with dining, kitchens, and workspaces, making them suitable for cooking and remote work.

館内設備Facilities and Amenities
館内設備とサービスも充実しており、家族風呂は、ご家族やカップルにぴったりのプライベート空間で、広い浴場で旅の疲れを癒し、穏やかな時間を楽しめます。宿泊者専用のトレーニングジムでは、最新マシンを使いながら運動習慣をキープでき、健康維持やリフレッシュにも最適で、旅先でも心身を整えられます。また、多目的スペースは会議やパーティー、記念日の集まりなど幅広い用途に対応しており、飲食物の持ち込みも可能です。The facilities and amenities are well equipped. As for family bath, family members and couples can use the spacious and private bathrooms and emerge in the big bath tubes to ease their tiredness and have a quiet time.
観光やビジネス、リフレッシュを目的とした滞在など、さまざまなシーンで利用できるENT TERRACE ASAKUSA(エントテラス浅草)。贅沢な空間と心地よいサービスが、訪れるすべての方に特別なひと時を提供します。
浅草エリアでの宿泊先をお探しなら、ぜひENT TERRACE ASAKUSA(エントテラス浅草)で、暮らすように泊まる特別な思い出をお作りください。
詳しくは公式サイト(ENT TERRACE ASAKUSA)もしくは会員限定記事をご覧ください。
A spacious area exceeding 50 square meters, Ent Terrace Asakusa can accommodate various needs from short-term to mid-to-long-term stays, catering to both tourism and business purposes. The property had its grand opening in October 2022. Each room is a private space occupying an entire floor, providing guests with a luxurious experience during their stay. All rooms come with a dining kitchen and workspace. On, we have received a rating of 9.4, with guests saying “the room is so big that my family and I could spend time comfortably” and “the loft was popular with the children, and they enjoyed sleeping there”. Located just a minute’s walk from Taharamachi Station in the Asakusa area, Ent Terrace Asakusa boasts a superb location for a non-routine experience.
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